Wahlbereich Production of Machines

ModuleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Additive Manufacturing 2Fach-/Modulprüfung6386026
Übung384774Di 16:30-18:00 H07 (1385|104) (×14)
Vorlesung384702Di 10:30-12:00 MS (1220|009) (×24)
Di 10:30-12:00 TEMP1 (1515|001) (×2)
Artificial Neural Networks in Structural MechanicsFach-/Modulprüfung6406868
Computational Modeling of Membranes and ShellsFach-/Modulprüfung5386637
Vorlesung/Übung381621Mi 08:00-10:30 Extern (×14)
Vorlesung/Übung381621Mi 08:00-10:30 Extern (×14)
Control EngineeringFach-/Modulprüfung3384927
Finite Element Methods in Lightweight DesignFach-/Modulprüfung5385440
Vorlesung382563Mo 16:30-18:00 S02 (1385|202) (×13)
Übung382228Fr 10:30-12:00 Lu (1320|301) (×12)
Industrial Engineering and ErgonomicsFach-/Modulprüfung5384852
Intelligent Monitoring of Engineering SystemsFach-/Modulprüfung4415915
Vorlesung379948Mi 10:30-12:00 001 (1830|001) (×1)
Mi 10:30-12:00 SFo 10 (1821|010) (×1)
Übung379949Mi 09:15-10:00 SFo 10 (1821|010) (×1)
Machine ToolsFach-/Modulprüfung5384830
Manufacturing Technology IFach-/Modulprüfung5386989
Manufacturing Technology IIFach-/Modulprüfung5386986
Vorlesung382595Mo 10:30-12:00 HKW 2 (1132|303) (×13)
Übung383420Di 12:30-14:00 Extern (×1)
Do 08:30-10:00 H07 (1385|104) (×1)
Fr 12:30-14:00 H05 (1385|105) (×11)
Mechanics of Engineering MaterialsFach-/Modulprüfung5386987
Vorlesung/Übung383679Mi 08:30-11:00 H11 (1385|218) (×14)
Vorlesung/Übung383679Mi 08:30-11:00 H11 (1385|218) (×14)
Mechanics of Forming ProcessesFach-/Modulprüfung5386999
Mechatronics and Control Techniques for Production PlantsFach-/Modulprüfung5384840
Modeling, Model Reduction and Simulation in Laser Processing - ApplicationsFach-/Modulprüfung5411801
Modeling, Model Reduction and Simulation in Laser Processing - DesignFach-/Modulprüfung5385582
Vorlesung/Übung381902Mo 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mo 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Di 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Di 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mi 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mi 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Do 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Do 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Fr 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Fr 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Vorlesung/Übung381902Mo 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mo 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Di 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Di 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mi 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Mi 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Do 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Do 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Fr 09:00-12:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Fr 14:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×2)
Modeling, Model Reduction and Simulation in Laser Processing - LaserFach-/Modulprüfung5385689
Vorlesung/Übung381748Di 15:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Vorlesung/Übung381748Di 15:00-17:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Molecular Mechanics and Multiscale Modelling of MaterialsFach-/Modulprüfung5386998
Practical Introduction to FEM-Software IFach-/Modulprüfung5410428
Practical Introduction to FEM-Software IIFach-/Modulprüfung5385447
Vorlesung382153Mi 11:30-12:30 ZuseLab C1 (2315|107) (×1)
Do 10:30-12:45 Online-Veranstaltung (×24)
Production MetrologyFach-/Modulprüfung5386990
Vorlesung/Übung382189Mi 08:30-12:00 t.b.d. (×14)
Reliable Simulation in the Mechanics of Materials and StructuresFach-/Modulprüfung6385501
Vorlesung381330Mo 14:30-16:00 AS (1050|U101) (×1)
Übung380981Fr 14:30-16:00 HKW 2 (1132|303) (×1)
Selected Topics of Inelasticity TheoryFach-/Modulprüfung5415483
Welding and Joining TechnologiesFach-/Modulprüfung5384916
Vorlesung381383Mi 14:30-16:00 Grüner Hörsaal AM (Gr) (1420|001) (×13)
Übung382550Do 14:30-16:00 Roter Hörsaal AM (Ro) (1420|002) (×12)